ACS-ARES Meeting Set For July 11, 2022

Our next in-person meeting is Monday!

City of Thousand Oaks – Oak Room

Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza/City Hall

2100 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks CA 91362

The meeting will start promptly at 7:30. You are welcome to arrive at 7:00 for a bit of social time before the meeting. There are no mask, testing,  or vax requirements, but you are welcome to take any precautions that you wish. Yellow shirts are appropriate. Either the County one or ARES shirts. I will have ACS-ARES patches if you want to add them to your clothing or gear. Wearing your ACS ID is suggested. The meeting is open to all. Members, non-members, and the curious. Anyone interested in what we do is encouraged to attend. Feel free to pass on this information to others you believe might be interested.

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Ventura County Clubs Stage Field Day Events

There are several club-coordinated Field Day events beginning Saturday, June 25th in the Ventura County area.  The public is welcome at all venues as the hams are excited to show off their emergency communications skills and techniques.

Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club (CVARC)

CVARC hams will be participating in a national amateur radio exercise know as Field Day from 11:00 AM Saturday, June 25 to 11:00 AM June 26, 2022. The CVARC event will be held at the Lake Sherwood Development Company field located at 378 W. Potrero Road in Westlake Village on the south side of W. Potrero Road, between Trentwood Drive and Stafford Road. CVARC holds one of the largest and most comprehensive Field Day events in the country as members set up as many as 20 temporary amateur radio stations and operate under the call sign of AA6CV to demonstrate emergency communication skills and services to the public. For more information:

Ventura County Amateur Radio Society (VCARS) and the Simi Settlers Amateur Radio Club (SSARC)

VCARS and SSARC members will be joined by other local Amateur Radio operators, all operating under the special events call-sign of N6R (honoring former President and Mrs. Reagan).  The annual 24-hour Field Day exercise (starting at 11 AM on Saturday, June 25th), promotes public awareness and provides training experience for local amateur radio operators.  By its conclusion (at 11 AM on Sunday, June 26th), event participants at the Library will have established amateur radio communications with thousands of other clubs, groups, and individuals throughout North America and adjoining countries, most of whom were also operating under simulated emergency conditions. The event will be located on the grounds of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, 40 Presidential Drive, Simi Valley, CA.

Ventura County Amateur Radio Club (VCARC)

The Ventura County Amateur Radio Club will operate under club’s call sign K6MEP from their Oxnard location at 4000 S. Rose Avenue. Activities have been planned, bands have been selected for operation and special guests and the public are invited. For more information contact Robert Shank at or visit the website at

Ventura County Supervisors to Honor Ham Radio Volunteers June 7

On Tuesday June 7, the Ventura County Board of Supervisors will present a proclamation honoring the county’s Amateur Radio volunteers at their regularly scheduled meeting at 9:30 A.M. in the board’s hearing room at the County Government Center in Ventura.

The proclamation will designate June as “Amateur Radio Month” in Ventura County.

All hams and clubs are welcome; this is the first such presentation recognizing our efforts since the COVID outbreak. If you can attend, please wear ACS uniforms or other apparel such as club shirts and call sign badges that will make a good impression to the supervisors and the TV audience.

At this time, it is not known if a mask will be required at the county complex; best to check ahead or bring one just to be on the safe side. This event is also an opportunity to build public awareness about Field Day activities in the county.

Thank you & 73

Jeff Reinhardt AA6JR

ARRL Public Information Coordinator

Santa Barbara Section

Ventura County Government Center, 800 S. Victoria Avenue, Ventura

IN PERSON ACS-ARES Meeting Set For May 2nd

Our first in-person meeting in two years is Monday!

The meeting will start promptly at 7:30 P.M. You are welcome to arrive at 7:00 P.M. for a bit of social time before the meeting. There are no mask, testing,  or vax requirements, but you are welcome to take any precautions that you wish.

Yellow shirts are appropriate. Either the County one or ARES shirts. I will have ACS-ARES patches if you want to add them to your clothing or gear. Wearing your ACS ID is suggested

The meeting is open to all. Members, non-members, and the curious. Anyone interested in what we do is encouraged to attend.

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April 30th µField Day

µField Day Site

µField Day (“Micro Field Day”) is a monthly meeting put on by the BORED Net controllers. And it’s back again…this time April 30th from 11:00am to 3:00pm. This is a special meeting, since we’re holding the event with the new Cal State Channel Islands Amateur Radio Club on the CSUCI campus. It’s still a chance to blow the dust off your mobile radios, practice with your Field Day setup (it’s almost June) and hang around with other hams like usual. It’s also a chance to show the members of the new club and the rest of the college community what we’re capable of doing with a portable setup, both with HF and VHF/UHF and emergency comms. The club has plans for their own radio room complete with a mast and HF radios (as well as possibly building an EOC on campus), so let’s make sure they get a good look at the things we do!

Continue reading “April 30th µField Day”

KM6ZJK (Bruce Schubert) SK

Bruce Schubert-KM6ZJK has passed away. He had been battling cancer for some time  His intellect and kindness will be missed.

He was an ARES member in Ventura and had great technical skills. A celebration of Bruce’s life will be held at 11 A.M. on Tuesday, April 19th at Coastline Bible Church, 426 S. Mills Road, in Ventura. In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to the Ventura County Library READ Adult Literacy Program.

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HT Evaluation Day

Have you ever wondered if your HT was working to it’s full capability? Is it transmitting within FCC guidelines? The Ventura County Amateur Radio Society will be evaluating up to two HTs per amateur on Saturday April 23rd in the parking lot of ACT USA in Newbury Park.

We are taking appointments so please select a time on this form and we will contact you to confirm and provide more info.

If you have any questions please respond back to me directly,

Stu Sheldon-AG6AG

Volunteers Needed For Santa to the Sea Marathon

The Santa to the Sea Marathon is coming up on the 12th of December. I still need volunteers! This event can be done with no more than an HT. It’s a great training ground for new operators, but can also have challenges that will test seasoned veterans.

If you want to be a part of this great event, just drop me an email at and let me know! Looking forward to working with all of you on the last big event of 2021!