California ShakeOut Exercise Set For October 23

Exercise plan and timeline:

  • Exercise has a digital element consisting of Winlink messages (DYFI and Welfare via VHF and HF, and a phone element using VHF simplex
  • Date: Saturday Oct 23rd
  • Simulated Quake timeline 9:15am approx.
    • Winlink activity 9:15 to 10 am, VHF/HF as you are able
      • Check your house as you would if there had been a real quake.
      • Send DYFI message to USGS, CC to
      • In the Optional Exercise Field of the DYFI form, please enter” SOCAL ARES Shakeout 2021.”
      • Send a welfare message to your out-of-town friends and family.  Members are encouraged to send messages for their neighbors.
    • Phone Simplex VHF check-in 10 to 11am, using 145.615 MHz, VC ACS/ARES Channel 19
      • Rob, W6RH, will go up to Rasnow and call for check ins.  This is a good opportunity to see who you can hear across the county.
  • Email updates via CVARC main group

Volunteers Needed for Share the Road Ride

The Share the Road Ride will take place on Saturday October 2, 2021.

I still need four (4) volunteers for fixed aid stations:

  • Need to have a dual band 50-watt radio (144/440)
  • Antenna mast and antenna (should be able to go up at least ten (10) feet (more is better).
  • Power to run the station for eight (8) hours
  • Pop-up shelter is really handy

I need one (1) volunteer to ride with the event people:

  • Need to have dual band radio (144/440) with power cable to cigarette lighter
  • Mag mount antenna
  • APRS radio, power cables, mag mount antenna
  • I can provide one if you don’t have a portable APRS station

This is one of Ventura County’s big events for the year, so I would really like to be able to fully support it.

If you can help, please let me know soonest.

Many thanks in advance.

Email Steve King-KE6WEZ

EC Area 1 Simi Valley

Silent Key Picnic Set For September 4

Saturday September 4th is the first annual Silent Key Picnic put on by the people behind the BORED Net.

Ventura County is lucky to have such a large ham radio community that extends beyond all of our clubs and organizations. Whenever someone is lost, it affects the entire community, not just those people who were closest. Over the last year and a half, the BORED Net has turned into a touching point for all the hams in the county, so it seemed like it would be a good fit if we were to organize an annual event where we could gather and remember those who aren’t with us any longer. This isn’t intended to be a traditional memorial. Instead, it will be a chance to tell stories, remember friends, and spend some time with our larger county-wide community.

Continue reading “Silent Key Picnic Set For September 4”

Hams Needed for Wings Over Camarillo

Operators are need for the Wings Over Camarillo airshow Saturday and Sunday, August 21 and 22 at Camarillo Airport. This is an HT only event. Operators will provide “eyes and ears” and communication support for the show.

If you are interested, please sign-up via this website:

The ham radio positions are password protected. For the password or more information, contact Avi Carmi-K6AVI at or 805-616-2636.

ACS-ARES District Meeting July 12 on Zoom

Below is the information about our virtual ACS-ARES meeting for July 12, 2021 (delayed one week due to holiday.)  Please note that it starts at 7:00 P.M. (1900 PDT) rather than our traditional 7:30 for in-person meetings.

The meeting is open to all, members, non-members and the curious. Anyone interested in what we do is encouraged to attend. Feel free to pass on this information to others you believe might be interested. This is a chance to put a face to the people you may only know as a voice on the radio while remaining safely at home. We look forward to hearing about your unique Ham experience during this difficult time.

Continue reading “ACS-ARES District Meeting July 12 on Zoom”

Ventura County Reopens

What will California look like after June 15th?

California has reopened its economy with businesses resuming normal operations (with limited exceptions for mega-events). The new Health Order, effective June 15, replaced previous health orders issued by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). Click Beyond the Blueprint to learn more.

Key Points to Beyond the Blueprint

  • The Tiers, guidance documents, and prevention plans are no longer in effect. Most businesses can resume normal operations (how they conduct business with their customers.)
  • There are no limitations on capacity or physical distancing of attendees, customers, or guests.
  • Businesses with employees must continue to follow the Cal/OSHA Covid-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS). This includes mask-wearing and other preventive measures. Click to read the ETS.
  • Mega Events are characterized by large crowds greater than 5,000 (indoors) and 10,000 (outdoors) attendees. These events must still follow limited guidance and prevention guidance.

Brett Price KM6VFW-SK

Brett Price KM6VFW-SK

We are saddened to report that ACS member and CVARC President Brett Price-KM6VFW passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, May 9, 2021.  Brett just celebrated his 71st birthday on May 2nd.

He is survived by two sons, Andrew and Kevin and a fiancee, Shirlee Huffman. There will be a small family service in the future in the Lake Tahoe area where Brett had requested his ashes be scattered, near those of his father.

Brett spent four decades working as an attorney. He has represented governmental entities, public and private companies, and individuals in the areas of property tax law and civil litigation, commercial and business law, oil and gas law, energy resource law, construction law, real estate and bankruptcy matters.

Brett was in his second term as CVARC President.  His commitment to ACS and efforts in advancing amateur radio will be greatly missed.

VC ARES Member Aids Sheriff in Finding Missing Hiker

(credit: Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department)

A 45-year-old hiker who was reported missing after he texted a friend that he was lost in Angeles National Forest has been found. VC ARES member and satellite mapping enthusiast Ben Kuo-AI6YR, working from a cell phone photograph, helped authorities pinpoint the hiker’s location. View this interesting Twitter thread in which Ben explains how he was able to geolocate the hiker using only the general area and the grainy photograph on the left. Ben’s efforts resulted in nationwide attention from the New York Times to Good Morning America.

Screen shot of Ben-AI6YR being interviewed by Channel 7, KABC TV, Los Angeles.

Ventura County Moves to Orange Tier

Ventura County moved to the State’s Orange Tier effective Wednesday, April 7 at 12:01 am. The California Department of Public Health announced that the County has met the State’s metrics to move forward.

“This progress, thanks to the hard work of our community members, means that our restaurants, retailers, gyms and other businesses can open to more customers which will help keep doors open, grow jobs in industries that were hit hard during the height of the pandemic and get us moving forward on the recovery path,” said County Executive Officer Michael Powers. “This is the time to keep it local in supporting our businesses.”

Continue reading “Ventura County Moves to Orange Tier”