µField Day (“Micro Field Day”) is a monthly meeting put on by the BORED Net controllers. And it’s back again…this time April 30th from 11:00am to 3:00pm. This is a special meeting, since we’re holding the event with the new Cal State Channel Islands Amateur Radio Club on the CSUCI campus. It’s still a chance to blow the dust off your mobile radios, practice with your Field Day setup (it’s almost June) and hang around with other hams like usual. It’s also a chance to show the members of the new club and the rest of the college community what we’re capable of doing with a portable setup, both with HF and VHF/UHF and emergency comms. The club has plans for their own radio room complete with a mast and HF radios (as well as possibly building an EOC on campus), so let’s make sure they get a good look at the things we do!
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