The 2024 Great ShakeOut — a popular worldwide annual earthquake drill ( — was held on October 17, 2024, at 10:17 AM local time. Millions of people around the world participated in the drill to practice earthquake safety. The ShakeOut Amateur Radio Community Intensity Map (ARCIM) project — a collaboration of Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) LAX Northeast, Ventura County Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS)/ARES, San Diego ARES, the ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) MOVE Radio Club, W4MOV — offered the whole community of radio operators the chance to submit Winlink “Did you feel it?” (DYFI) reports as part of their ShakeOut drill experience. Continue reading:
Category: News
June Is Amateur Radio Month in Ventura County

Ventura County hams were recognized for their community service by the Ventura County Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, June 18. The board issued a proclamation at the televised event declaring the month of June as Amateur Radio month in Ventura County. Read the entire proclamation here.
Ventura County Board of Supervisors Declares June “Amateur Radio Month”

Please plan to attend the Ventura County Board of Supervisors meeting at 10 A.M. on Tuesday, June 18, where all Ventura County Amateur Radio operators will be recognized with a proclamation honoring their service to the community.
This is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate our presence and to receive recognition for the many activities we engage in throughout the year. The meeting is televised and it’s also a great way to promote our Field Day activities later that week. Call sign badges and tasteful ham-related apparel would be good to wear if you have them.
The meeting will be held at: 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura CA 93009 on June 18 – Please plan to arrive by 10 A.M.
Thank you!
Jeff Reinhardt-AA6JR
Congresswoman Julia Brownley presents $963,000 to the County of Ventura for Regional Public Safety Radio Project

On Wednesday, April 3, Congresswoman Brownley presented $963,000 to the County of Ventura to upgrade the region’s 15-year-old analog simulcast radio communications system. The funds will go toward establishing a state-of-the-art digital radio communication system which will utilize 700MHz frequencies. The upgraded radio system will be used by all public safety entities throughout the county to improve communications interoperability for public safety and first responder individuals as they respond to incidents and disasters.
Continue reading “Congresswoman Julia Brownley presents $963,000 to the County of Ventura for Regional Public Safety Radio Project”Tim Wheeler-K6POI, SK

ACS member and past CVARC President Tim Wheeler-K6POI has passed away. For the last several years he has been living with increasing problems due to Parkinson’s disease. He was 81.
ACS Area 2 Emergency Coordinator Zak Cohen-N6PK described Tim as a good friend and regular dinner companion who was knowledgeable and helpful in his role as an Assistant Emergency Coordinator. Tim is remembered by Norm Campbell-AB6ET as a friend, mentor, and “all around good guy” both in person and on the air. James Smith-KK6YAM recalled, “Tim was the first person I met when I joined the club. He saw I was new and came over and welcomed me.” Wendy Joffe-WB6ADC, who attended the ham radio classes he taught remembered Tim’s “kind smile and the twinkle in his eyes when he’d share a joke.”
Memorial plans have not been announced. Tim’s family has created a tribute page on the Michael J. Fox Foundation website. Contributions in honor of Tim to the foundation’s Parkinson’s research would be welcome.
June is Amateur Radio Month in Ventura County

The Ventura County Board of Supervisors proclaimed June 2023 as Amateur Radio Month in Ventura County. The June 20th presentation was held in the supervisors’ hearing room in the Hall of Administration at the County Government Center in Ventura. The event was well attended by ACS volunteers, ham radio club members and other amateurs from throughout the county.
ARRL and FEMA Sign Agreement: Ham Radio is as Relevant as Ever (via
The agreement emphasizes the importance of skilled Amateur Radio Operators in times of crisis and the role of ARES leadership within the emergency communications space.
Continue reading “ARRL and FEMA Sign Agreement: Ham Radio is as Relevant as Ever (via”Sheriff Presents Service Awards to ACS Members
June Proclaimed Amateur Radio Month

The Ventura County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution June 7th proclaiming June 2022 “Amateur Radio Month” in honor of the more than 3,800 FCC licensed amateur radio operators residing in Ventura County.

Ventura County Supervisors to Honor Ham Radio Volunteers June 7

On Tuesday June 7, the Ventura County Board of Supervisors will present a proclamation honoring the county’s Amateur Radio volunteers at their regularly scheduled meeting at 9:30 A.M. in the board’s hearing room at the County Government Center in Ventura.
The proclamation will designate June as “Amateur Radio Month” in Ventura County.
All hams and clubs are welcome; this is the first such presentation recognizing our efforts since the COVID outbreak. If you can attend, please wear ACS uniforms or other apparel such as club shirts and call sign badges that will make a good impression to the supervisors and the TV audience.
At this time, it is not known if a mask will be required at the county complex; best to check ahead or bring one just to be on the safe side. This event is also an opportunity to build public awareness about Field Day activities in the county.
Thank you & 73
Jeff Reinhardt AA6JR
ARRL Public Information Coordinator
Santa Barbara Section