ACS Members Invited to Learn Winlink

ARES LAX NW District, LA EmComm group and WaveTalkers are running another round of their Winlink Basics for EmComm course every Friday and Sunday at 2pm PST for the next few weeks.  The Friday and Sunday sessions are repeats of the same material so feel free to join either session live, link below, or catch the recordings on WaveTalkers.

Session 1: Winlink Basics, was last week, and the recordings for those sessions can be accessed here: . 

Session 2: Getting on The Air With Winlink Over Telnet, starts today at 2pm PST and will be repeated live on Sunday at 2pm PST.   All course sessions are being live streamed at my WaveTalkers site: and links to the Live Zoom sessions, previous course sessions, and show notes are available by joining the class.

The course being conducted live via Zoom and all Zoom sessions are limited to 100 participants.

ARES and ACS members are welcome to join the LIVE Zoom session at:

March 1 ACS-ARES Meeting on Zoom

Below is the information about our virtual ACS-ARES meeting on March 1, 2021. Please note that it starts at 7:00 P.M. (1900 PDT) rather than our traditional 7:30.

The meeting is open to all. Members, non-members, and the curious. Anyone interested in what we do is encouraged to attend. Feel free to pass on this information to others you believe might be interested. This is a chance to put a face to the people you may only know as a voice on the radio while remaining safely at home. We look forward to hearing about your unique ham experience during this difficult time.

Continue reading “March 1 ACS-ARES Meeting on Zoom”

January 4 ACS-ARES Meeting on Zoom

Below is the information about our virtual ACS-ARES meeting for January 04, 2021. Please note that it starts at 7:00 P.M. (1900 PDT) rather than our traditional 7:30.

The meeting is open to all. Members, non-members, and the curious. Anyone interested in what we do is encouraged to attend. Feel free to pass on this information to others you believe might be interested. This is a chance to put a face to the people you may only know as a voice on the radio while remaining safely at home. We look forward to hearing about your unique Ham experience during this difficult time.

Continue reading “January 4 ACS-ARES Meeting on Zoom”

“Did You Feel It” and the “Great California ShakeOut”

Over the last few weeks a group of VC ACS/ARES members have been working to get on the air using Winlink on HF and VHF.  This is to prepare for a “ShakeOut” exercise on Oct 17.

We have our next Zoom meeting this Wednesday, September 9, at 7 p.m. where we’ll review the simulated earthquake scenario, how to complete the DYFI form, test results using Winlink under conditions of low power and  discuss a VHF comms exercise as part of the ShakeOut event.

If you would like to join us there is still ample time to get on the air using Winlink and participate in the ShakeOut. If you are not ready to work digital ops just yet, the VHF comms exercise is simplex phone and may be more to your liking.

The Zoom meeting details maybe found  at this link:

Andy Moorwood-K3CAQ

July ACS-ARES Meeting On Zoom

The July ACS-ARES meeting will be held on Zoom July 6, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. (1900 PDT) rather than the usual time of 7:30 p.m. Zoom login information is below.

The meeting is open to all, members, non-members, and the curious. Anyone interested in what we do is encouraged to attend. Feel free to pass on this information to others you believe might be interested.

Continue reading “July ACS-ARES Meeting On Zoom”