Micro Field Day is back again at the VCFD training center at the Camarillo airport, from 1100-1500 on Sunday, January 21. There’s a possibility of some rain, but nothing heavy predicted. Plus, last year we got POURED on at the airport and still had a great time. Keith will bring a couple of pop-up canopies. Bring more if you’ve got one.
The following week is Winter Field Day, so it’s a good chance to haul out your Field Day rig and make sure you remember how it works šĀ We’ve got a couple of people planning to activate some nearby SOTA peaks as well. Last month we took part in that, and several people had their first HF contacts, as well as a chance to try some Morse Code. If you’re wondering how to set up your own shack, or curious about what other hams are doing for portable setups, ĀµField Day is a great place to be. Plus it’s always a good hang.
Put “34.2087, -119.0726” into your phone and it will get you there, or use what3words timeless.budget.glitter. Take the 101 to the Las Posas exit and head South to Pleasant Valley Road, and turn right/West. Then turn right on Airport Way (thereās a traffic light there.) Take that a few short blocks until it ends, and make another right on Durley. It will curve first to the left and then the right, and come to a gate.
Turn right again and look for the hams.
Keith Elliott W6KME