ACS/ARES May Meeting on Zoom

Our May ACS/ARES District Meeting will be conducted on Zoom. Below is the information you’ll need to join us. Please note that the meeting starts at 7:00 P.M. (1900) rather than our usual 7:30 P.M. The meeting is open to anyone interested in what we do, members, non-members and the curious. Please join us if you can.

Time: May 4, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 993 9661 8685

Password: 945454

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Stay Well At Home Order Extended to May 15

County of Ventura Public Health Officer, Doctor Robert Levin, has announced the extension and modification of the Stay Well At Home Order. The Order shall be in effect until 11:59 pm on May 15, 2020.

“It’s understandable that our community members want to get back to work and return to normal life as quickly as possible,” said Levin. “The best path forward is a cautious one —a path that proceeds gradually, carefully, and incrementally. A path that relies on science and facts to determine each step forward. The data is looking good, thanks to the diligence of our community members in following these Orders, but we must be cautious in how we move forward. We must continue to save lives and stop the spread of COVID-19. Community members must continue to practice social distancing.” The extended order is in line with State of California directives.

Stay Well At Home Order Updated

Ventura County’s Health Officer has updated the “Stay Well at Home” public health order to further slow the spread of COVID-19 in the county.

The order prohibits all gatherings, no matter the size, outside of places of residences with limited exceptions. It also adds certain businesses to the list of essential businesses and requires all essential business to adopt and implement social distancing protocols. The order remains in effect until April 2oth. Click to read the updated order.

“Stay Well At Home” Order Issued Through April 20

Ventura County Public Health Officer Doctor Robert Levin, has issued a “Stay Well at Home” emergency order –ordering all residents of Ventura County to stay inside their residences, and immediately limit all movement outside of their homes beyond what is absolutely necessary to take care of essential needs.

Continue reading ““Stay Well At Home” Order Issued Through April 20″

Ventura County Health Officer Orders Older, Vulnerable Citizens to Shelter at Home

Ventura County’s Health Officer has ordered older and more vulnerable county residents to shelter at home through April 1. The order applies to county residents age 75 and older as well as residents 70 and older with underlying health conditions.

Continue reading “Ventura County Health Officer Orders Older, Vulnerable Citizens to Shelter at Home”

County EOC Activation

In response to COVID-19, the County EOC will be activated at a Level 2 beginning Tuesday, March 17, 2020 from 7:00am to 7:00pm and will continue to be activated from 7:00am to 7:00pm for the foreseeable future.

Since there are no communication issues at this time, ACS is not required.  Should the situation change we will be in touch.

Visit for information on the situation.

Update: Scandinavian Festival Cancelled

Due to concerns about the COVID-19 virus, the April 4th and 5th Scandinavian Festival at CLU has been cancelled. This would have been the 45th Festival with the past several being held at CLU. Approximately 6,500 attendees were expected with music, dancing, food, crafts, vendors, etc. California imposed new measures aimed at controlling the virus, telling residents to postpone or cancel gatherings of more than 250 people through the end of March. Zak Cohen-N6PK expressed his thanks to all who had volunteered to provide communications for the event.

Ventura County ACS/ARES

Welcome to the website for the Ventura County Auxiliary Communications Service/Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ACS/ARES).

The Ventura County ACS mission is to serve the County in support of any possible communications need in an emergency. ACS members act as emergency communications reserves to support the County in providing reliable, point-to-point voice and data communications anytime, anywhere. In addition to emergency activations, ACS is involved in promoting emergency preparedness.

Click here to view the basic requirements for ACS/ARES membership.

If you would like to know more, please contact ACS Radio Officer/ARES District Emergency Coordinator, Rob Hanson – W6RH at