Ted Lansing-W6TEL, SK was remembered in a moving “End of Watch” ceremony during the July 14, 2020 ACS County net:
Ted became ham in 2008. His interest in emergency communication and CERT activities led him to become a member of the Ventura County Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS) and he served at the Emergency Coordinator (EC) for Area 3 (Camarillo-Somis).
Ted retired from the aerospace industry in 1993 where he was involved in military logistics support at Hughes Aircraft Company for many years. He also worked with Litton Industries, TRW and Lockheed. Ted lectured on disaster preparedness for the Ventura Chapter of the American Red Cross. He was a CERT graduate twice over and a member of the Camarillo CERT Council.
Silent Key (SK) is term going back to wired telegraphy, adopted in the early days of ham radio when Morse code was used to honor a CW operator whose key will not be heard again.